I’m Officially Moving to Substack

This feels like a long time coming, I’m finally making the move

Chelsea Alexandra
4 min readSep 30, 2024
Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie Bradshaw in ‘Sex in the City’ (1998–2004) — HBO


It’s been a while. However, if you read the title then you know that I am moving over to Substack.

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I am not sure where to begin with a post like this. On one hand it feels like I should make it. However, on the other I feel like it was already noticed that I haven’t been active on this platform.

Life has been wonderful, stressful and filled with opportunities that I don’t think I would have without the Medium platform. In 2022, I made a choice to deliberately “blow-up” my life for the better and make some changes professionally and personally. Professionally, I wasn’t happy with where I was at and needed to change everything. One of the things I decided to do was to devote my time back into my first real passion, writing.

Originally, my hopes were set on completing at least one screenplay and see what would happen after that. I had not written anything in years and felt a bit rusty. For practice, I decided that I would start with writing up Film & TV reviews. I watch a lot of movies and I watch a decent amount of TV that writing about something I enjoyed felt like a great way to create a writing habit. I started writing on this platform and posted my first review for the film, Bodies Bodies Bodies. From then on, I was sitting at my laptop every night almost and writing something, anything really just to create the habit. I still had not completed or even started my screenplay but I was enjoying my work writing up reviews.

The more time I spent on the platform I was able to connect with other pop culture publications and people who wrote for these publications. The main publication on Medium that I wrote for was Plethora of Pop. For most of my time on Medium, that was the only publication I was writing for. If it wasn’t for that publication and being consistent, I wouldn’t be where I am currently in my writing journey. I will always appreciate my time with the Pop, my friendship with Buddy Gott and my time on this platform.

Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie Bradshaw in ‘Sex in the City’ (1998–2004) — HBO

At the beginning of this year, I decided that I was going to write my own newsletter on Substack. Thus, Rot Your Brains was born. At the time, I was publishing the newsletter on Substack and Medium. It was going well for a while but being consistent began to get harder. The current 9–5 that I have can be mentally draining that by the end of the day, I had become too tired to write. It doesn’t help that for this particular job I have, I do travel a few times a year so that tends to get in the way with keeping up with the habit of my own personal writing.

However, I never stopped writing. In between the travel and the 9–5, I have been writing for two outlets. I have been writing everything from movie reviews, retrospectives and covering film festivals. It has been pretty awesome writing for these online outlets and having an opportunity to take my writing to the next level.

In a couple weeks I will be heading to the 33rd Philadelphia Film Festival! I will be covering some of the festival before I head back on work travels. With a lot of new and exciting things I am sure are still on the horizon, now feels like the best and worst time to make the transition to Substack full time. I am really excited to watch my newsletter grow. If you already to subscribe to get my emails here, you will continue to do so. If you never hit subscribe here and want to follow my work on Substack, you can start subscribing here!!

You can find more of my writing on FilmObsessive and MovieJawn.

It was fun while it lasted but it is time to move on! I hope you all follow me over there!



Chelsea Alexandra

Top Writer in MOVIES! 🎬🍿 A Freelance Writer who is passionate about "FILM & TV" and Coffee! https://bio.site/chelsalexn